22nd January.
Here's a post for your koping purposes. Click on picture before saving to get the full size photo.
After the bbq, leongying and I helped weyjian clear up abit of the stuff and went into the room where baochuan and germaine were. Germaine claimed that they were suntanning LOL, they even ended up doing crunches and I couldn't even do one. I NEED THE GYM ZOMG. Halfway through, we discovered we couldn't switch on the air con cause we've already exceed the limit ):
That's why we went outside and joined Terie Grace and Chinyee (I even brought the remote control out LOL!!!) who were playing card games. I LEARNED HOW TO PLAY BLACKJACK AND I HAVE REALLY BAD LUCK. Samuel, Kenneth and Edmund also joined the game after awhile and were called the Lehman brothers cause they owed grace (the dealer) ALOT of money. They miraculously won around 16 cards in one game if I'm not wrong.
Btw, we replaced the chips with cards thanks to Samuel's brilliant idea. Its much more thrilling to play with more "money" you know! They were saying how the biggest loser of the game must pick up all the dried leaves depending on the number of cards they owe grace. 1 card = 1000 leaves (reduced to less than 100 afterwards). I KEPT LOSING MONEY AND HAD TO BORROW FROM ALOT OF PEOPLE T.T
It was very fun though, but nobody got to pick leaves at the end of the game anyway. Lets keep this a secret, I still owe grace 4 cards LOL. Kids, betting is not good!
Anyway, they had this sudden idea to explore that old changi hospital already in ruins (you can't even see it from our chalet, srsly. THAT dark) Terie and I joined most of the guys on the little adventure while a few guys plus the five other girls stayed at the chalet. I wouldn't say I was very scared that day cause my mind was in a state of calamity again. THAT'S WHY I AGREED TO GO IN THE FIRST PLACE WHAT.
I admit I went "OMGOSHOHMYGOSH" at some point, but it wasn't that scary after the guys used the torchlights and stuff, plus terie and I had bodyguards LOL. Mervin and Haonan were like next to us saying stuff like watch the steps and stuff like that LOL, and srsly going in a whole group wasn't scary la.
Going with ONE other person would be the scariest 8D (going alone is unthinkable). If you're a girl you better go with a guy but if you're a guy you better not go with a girl cause she'll probably scare the shit out of you even if there's nothing scary HAHAHA!
Back to story. There were shards of glass everywhere and that was freaky k, lucky I wasn't having fantastic imagination at the time or I'd be even more freaked out O: The graffitti everywere were kinda gross though. There was also one that said "T.H" next to this broken lift so they got Tiong Ho to go in (he was the bravest over there man) HAHA.
It was a short exploration cause the place was rather small, we dared not venture any further cause the guys didn't go there in the morning and it'd be dangerous. While the rest of us headed back for the chalet, Jeremiah Tiongho and Yihan stayed there to check out the caretaker's block on the fifth story. @.@
& then all of us went to the beach 8D
The first place we went was some private SAF chalet beach, idk what its called. There was a sign saying "trespassers will be prosecuted" but we heck cared that. Nothing nice at that beach, just sandflies everywhere and a soggy coconut plus swampy thingys.
Terie was reciting some geog stuff somemore. (Y) you can still remember HAHA!!!
Everybody sat down except for me and ly cause ly was scared of sandflies and I just didn't feel like sitting down anyway.
I helped terie bury her feet into the sand but she rejected my offer of helping her bury her whole body ): (:D)
grace throwing pebbles into the sea! :D Mervin started throwing sand into the sea at some point in time lol, LAND RECLAIMATION!!!!
Hmm, someone picked up that soggy coconut and threw it into the sea too, it floated okay! WE LEARNT THAT IN PRIMARY 6 SCIENCE DOES ANYBODY REMEMBER HAHAHA.
star gazing! They even played music on their handphones k, got qi fen hahaha!
k this was mervin's work of art hahaha. Not very clear cause it was just pitch dark everywhere but yin yin yue yue still can see right! :D
4L (L)
We then decided that beach was boring and went to the next one, but the gates were locked -.- Ohyeah, chongrui left the chalet keys at the beach and had to go back to get it O: Sorry terie for not going back with you then ): And thanks for accompanying me to borrow a toilet!
(I couldn't take it anymore and needed to pee very badly, so we went up to the nearest chalet and asked if I could borrow the toilet heheh. The people there were like, eh....okay.....su...re.)
All of us sat in twos and talked about loads of random stuff for close to an hour before going back. A millipede (or centipede) got killed by a rolling can in the process, along with a few ants :P
at roughly 3 am, we ordered macs and slacked around (I got a fish fillet meal at 6 bucks!). Terie Mervin Kevin and I were cooking maggi mee in the kitchen but I wasn't doing anything much huh. Quite a failure at doing housework, I better start practising!!!!
This cooking part reminds me of the 2D chalet, I used my hands to break frozen sausages apart then xD You can try checking the archive, november 16 2006 (I swear my blog used to be EXTREMELY SPASTIC)
After the supper (whatever you call it, its rightfully breakfast), some of us went out to play cards. I suck at bridge big time, seems like I need more intensive training sessions HAHA.
spoiler cup -.-
that was the game of cheat!! I kinda forgot how to play and lou chu ma jiao -.- Got rid of my cards in no time cause of that and had to stone cause the rest were taking damn long to finish the game while Mervin kept collecting cards -.- Leongying got alot of cards in the end too so they ended the game LOL
We fed the cats with french fries! Hope you cute kitties didn't get diarrhoea the next day!!!
Fastforward to 5:45.
The whole bunch of us went to watch the sunrise but it was a failure cause we went to the wrong side and couldn't see the sun AT ALL.
using night landscape mode -.- Kinda useless, only sunset mode was fine.
Hell, we waited for God knows how long before the sky FINALLY lit up abit .__.
It was then that we realised we were looking at the wrong side ROFL.
ain't this much better 8D
yingz' and terie's shadow!
Terie was seriously feeling damn tired by then and needed energy so she went back with Samuel and idk who. I'm sorry again, I'll treat you to something else on our ice cream date okay!!!!
High ISO = grainy ):
sunset mode
dawn/dusk mode.
The real thing is kinda inbetween. I swear the sunrise looks nicer in photos, which shouldn't normally be the case.....
dragon/bird-looking cloud
pretty moon!
By the time we went back, the sky was already quite bright :D
Chinyee Leongying and I sat on the benches and got quite amused by the cats. Ly has a picture of us looking like zombies man @.@
This is an anyhow-just-point-into-the-sky-and-shoot shot. Totally shows how boliao I was.
Wymer and Kevin sleeping! Ly's photo is more amusing cause it has that cat in it haha!
brown cat: OMGOSH MEOW WHAT ARE THEY DOING?? better look away man! *stares in front*
brown cat: =___= they're still at it?
(I srsly don't know what they're doing either she's BITING that cow-looking cat??)
(LOL) I didn't get the front view so lets assume she's cleaning her legs haha. walao damn flexible cat.
Dear, let me help you catch a flea or two..
Oh darling you're so sweet! I'll help you clean your legs then! ^_^
dear, I'm tired. Lend me a bolster k!
Actually I'm not sure about their relationship since I've learnt from my hamsters that animals like to anyhow luan4 lai2 haha. My....hamster died on friday. The only one from the 3rd batch, the grey one. Sad to say, I don't have alot of special feelings for it so its passing didn't affect me too much. :/
Mhmm, leongying, chinyee, Mervin, Edmund, Haonan and I went for breakfast at Changi Village after awhile since the rest were still sleeping. Leongying and I were singing CNY songs and got pretty high till the rest were like o_O. BUT IT WAS FUN OKAY I'LL DEFINITELY MISS SINGING WITH LEONGYING ALOT SINCE ITS ONE OF OUR FAVOURITE PASTIMES HAHA. In class and everywhere...
Cy and I ate cai tou guo plus sugarcane and haonan ate ice kachang -__- (in the morning yah. it was around 8+) The sugarcane gave me abit of the tummy ache and somehow leongying and I got high again even though we were tired haha (or I think ly wasn't).
Credits to Chinyee for the next few shots, I was too lazy to take photos by then.
we had to cross a bridge to get here.
I like this one alot!
this too!
taken using the beach/snow mode but I seriously can't tell the difference. x.X
normal auto mode. SEE, NO DIFFERENCE! Sunset mode is still the best!
O: His shadow is...Loooooooonnnnngggggg
cy and I trying to act like emokids LOL. I was so obviously smiling o_O
Haonan had a cooler shot of us pointing into the sky!!
Saw this tree on our way back so I took a photo of it.
We waited for around 2 hours for everybody to wake up before going for brunch. In the end, the guys locked the chalet with somebody sleeping inside hmm. I got fish soup and felt rather bloated ): Took the bus 29 back to the chalet, packed up and took bus 29 back. Terie and I walked home, we missed our beds so much!!!
Man, 27.5 hours without sleep made me oversleep, but at least that 2 hours was quite refreshing before the movie outing thingy.
Alright I'm really too lazy to time more. Tata, I'll update about yesterday soon.
(Reunion with friends, cultural nite plus karaoke with carol and ray till 3 plus!!!)
I overslept today and had to take a cab to church, ashley and I bought a pair of ripplesslippers each after that.
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